Conversations with my Soul | ‘Let it go and begin again’ | March 2023

The Challenge / Opportunity

The challenge, (it feels like a challenge) is to let your barriers, your limiting beliefs fall away. You have been feeling lost again, disconnected, like you cannot see your path. Lift the veil from your face and you will be able to see clearly. ‘Don’t hold on to these shadows’. Instead, ‘how can we take responsibility for our actions and learn from past challenges’.

It is also an opportunity. All these things that are holding you in this place can simply be allowed to fall away. By recognizing that they are just ‘stepping stones on your path’. You do not have to stay attached to low moods/energy or negative situations. Allow the thoughts that are creating the feelings and the experience to fall away. With the exhale, release them, down, and allow them to ground-out.

The Message

‘You know what it takes to follow your true path’. You have been on (and off) it for a while now.

Look up.

There are opportunities on the horizon and potentially new partnerships.

Look ahead. Start from where you are now. Plan ahead, ‘what tools or resources will be essential on your journey?’.

Anchored in your intuitive strength, you can look to the future you want with total clarity.

So anchor.

It may help to look back and recognize all that you have nurtured and achieved over the years. ‘You know that you have worked hard to get to this point and you recognize the value that the relationships, kindness and love that you have received has had. (‘Don’t forget about the people in your life that nourish your enthusiasm’)

Align your heart with gratitude for the abundance that has been and is being realized. And from that place share your wisdom and blessings, your unique gifts, with those around you.

Next Actions

Anchor. Ground and release. Make that your practice for the next day or so.

Meditate on any past challenges that still remain unresolved (and any currently ones). ‘Give yourself the time to recover and prepare yourself mentally for the journey ahead’.

Practice: Releasing and Grounding.

  1. Find a comfortable position seated or laying down. You want to be close and connected to the ground. Your spine is long. Your shoulders resting down your back. Your chin parallel to the ground

  2. Rest your hands gently on the tops of your thighs or on the ground. Your palms are facing down

  3. Take a slow, deep breathe in. Filling up.

  4. Hold for a moment.

  5. Exhale, slowly and fully…invitation to whisper to yourself ‘Let it go’

    (Repeat this a few times until you ready to come to into a place of receiving)

  6. Turn your palms to face up. Rest here and inhale loving intentions for all areas of your life.

  7. (An option) Bring your hands to your heart center to close your practice.

A Final Thought

A new season is coming and a new cycle of change. Begin again. Allow the ‘highs and lows to lead you through the dance with life’. Be aware of any repeating patterns and karmic lessons in your life. It’s the challenges and lessons that light our path and teach us how we should transform and move through life.

And don’t worry, nothing is in control but in a constant flux of transition and awareness. Try to ‘live in the gift of this present moment and take it all in stride’.

Big love and light



Conversations with my Soul | ‘Let yourself be seen’ | April 2023


Conversations with my Soul | ‘Where attention goes, energy flows’ | January 2023