Conversations with my Soul | ‘Love the life you have’ | December 2021
The Challenge
The challenge is to let go of limitations. Whatever this means for you. For me it is all negative mind stuff - thoughts, perceptions. Do not let your thoughts be what limit you. Do not let your mind keep you stuck. Unbound yourself, by recognising that you are not your thoughts or what anyone else may or may not think of you. That is not the truth of who you are.
There are no limits to what you can do or be. Life is expansive and infinite and you have power.
‘We will forget that we are powerful, magnificent, inherently worthy, valuable, whole, complete, precious and infinitely loved. We will forget that we already have everything within us to thrive at this game of life…We will forget that we live in an abundant and loving universe. We will forget until we decide to remember’
Let go of any negative thoughts.
The Message
On work. You have options. Choose what truly feels good to you. Let your heart guide you. Follow your soul calling.
On relationships. Yes you can and you will. If s/he is not yet here, know that your king is coming and is everything that you desire.
On family. There may be some challenges but all is not lost. You will all see the sun again.
The message is to love the life you have…Life is love…life is lovely.
Next Action
Take the time out to enjoy your life, just the way it is because it is perfect, whole and complete.
Use this time for positive reflection and appreciation of what you have achieved so far.
How has the universe blessed you this year?
Bless even the things that broke you down - ‘When your heart cracks open, a space is created for your soul to more fully enter. When your soul cracks open, a space is created for the grace of the holy spirit to enter’
Stay in your heart. Share your blessings with others and raise the vibration with your presence.
A Final Thought
There is a bright light on the horizon. A new dawn (I think there always is).
My prayer is always one of love. May we know and experience the loving kindness of the universe. May we share that same loving kindness with others. May the peace and love of God shine brightly in our hearts so that we may continue to create a beautiful life.
Big love and light