Conversations with my Soul | ‘Breathe through it’ | September 2021
The Challenge
‘Being human can be lonely and confusing’
The challenge is to be ok with the ups, downs and in-betweens of life’s experiences. Whether there are big bumps in the road, teeny tiny ones or none at all (yay!). To ride the waves - that’s a nice fun way to look at it. There are extremes in life and we are being called to surrender to it all. This is not to say to give up or give in per se (at least not in the negatively perceived meaning of these phrases that I have noticed I hold somethings). No, instead to accept each moment and each experience, not to resist it but live it fully, and where there is challenge (and ease) look for the lessons it is allowing you to learn. It is to choose to grow. It is through the ‘extremes of life’ that we expand and grow.
The challenge is to embrace all of it, remembering that you are supported by that which brought you into the world.
The Message
Breathe through and out...receive and release.
‘Hand over your loneliness, worries, hurt, sorrow, fears, burdens, and doubt’ and embrace the full experience of life. Life that has been given to you by God. Trust the ‘mysterious breath of life’.
I love breathwork. It allows me to experience the power of life-force energy moving through me. Really experience and feel it. And I believe that breathing is a process of renewal, with each breath you can begin again. Let go and have another go at it.
The message is ‘to surrender to the greater will that God has for you’. To trust. To stop living from a place of ‘trying to’ control everything. To instead trust. It is not something I find easy at all. “Not by might nor power but by my spirit” (Zechariah 4:6). Let the spirit move through you. Let it move you. With each breath, go with the flow of life.
Next Action
‘Energetically scan’ your life for all things that are not in alignment with the flow of your life. Then ‘take the baby steps required to bring it back into harmony’.
Is there anything that you are holding on to that you need to let go of? Is there an area where more knowledge is required? Are there any perspectives or mindsets that you need to shift and bring back into harmony with the flow of your life?
It could be letting go of a belief that “this is where I should be in my life by now” you might need to leave a situation or dust off the simple mantra e.g. “everything is working out for me”.
A Final thought
Everything IS working out for you. ‘Things are being woven’. Have patience and trust the journey and mystery of life.
Big love and light