2024 Soul Whispers | ‘Express Yourself Through Your Creativity’ | February 2024
What is Yet To Come…
So far you have taken the opportunity to ground yourself and allowed yourself to surrender to a slower energy. You needed it.
This coming year you are being called to connect more with your inner wisdom, remembering that you are capable and gifted. You have been here before.
Your inner inclusionist wants to awaken. You may feel that you want to be less defensive and more forgiving, as you increasingly see things outside of right and wrong. You are remembering not to take anything personally as it has nothing to do with you, everyone is on their own path. You are also recognising the importance of welcoming feedback.
Your grief is falling away as you recognise that love is not lost. You are forever loved and held. Things will work out. You can open yourself to receiving deep deep love.
You are a channel for divine wisdom, here to heal those around you. Well-being is being manifested as a focus for yourself and your contribution.
Your next action is to step outside, literally. Focus on community and connection. You are not meant to go at life alone. Reach out to those who are physically in your life.
You have been influenced in the past by fear and doubt. As you move into this coming year, know that time is our most precious resource (and it is a great healer). Take time to enjoy your life. Follow your joy and pleasure. Surrender to the sweetness of life.
The hope is that you will fully express yourself through your creativity, embody your whole self and let the world see who you really are.
Reveal your multifaceted, multidimensional nature, so that your people can recognize you when your paths cross.
Soul whispers from a yearly oracle card reading - using guidance from The Starseed Oracle Card Deck, as part of the Work Your Light Annual Visioning Process with Rebecca Campbell.